I have a confession to make: not only am I a gun lover, but I am also a nerd. That is right, a nerd... as in a major technophile. I love computers and technological gadgets almost as much as I love a well-made firearm. One reason I started Shooting From the Hip is that it gave me a means of combining two of my passions in a way that lets me share my interests with other like-minded individuals.
Over the last few years, I have become addicted to internet forums (ok, it really bugs me that my Latin education tells me it should be "fora," but spell-checker refuses to acknowledge that fact), and I currently belong to several firearms and shooting sports related sites that provide me with a lot of good information, first-hand anecdotes, and well-written expositions on guns, manufacturers, ammo, accessories, etc. Of course, there is also the flip-side of trolls, snobs, idiots, and liars that one has to deal with, as in any group that is open to the public. The anonymity of the internet just seems to exacerbate this, however, and I often find myself getting frustrated at the sheer volume of worthless posts, snide remarks, and personal jibes I must wade through in order to sift out those nuggets of useful information which reside hidden away under all the detritus.
There is one website that I belong to, however, that rarely disappoints me in this respect. The Tennessee Gun Owners Forum is exactly what the name implies: a place where Tennesseans can come to talk about guns, as well as other subjects. There are members from all three Grand Divisions, as well as transplants in other States who are maybe a little homesick, or who just want to let those of us who still live in the Volunteer State know just how good we have it here. It is interesting to get feedback from the other areas of the State on such things as gun and ammunition prices, where to go and what to do if you are visiting another city, etc.
Sub-forums exist to appeal to various interests, including separate areas for handguns and longarms, gunsmithing, accessories, ammunition and reloading, carry issues and self-defense, women and firearms, hunting, politics (local and national), and many others. One of the more useful sub-forums is the "Carry Prohibited Locations" area, where members can post the name and location of various businesses that have posted "gunbuster" signs, not only notifying other HCP holders where they cannot carry, but also encouraging them to write the businesses in order to spread the word that "no gun = no business." TNgunowners are a very proactive lot, and are not shy about sharing our views with businesses that feel the need to encroach on our right to bear arms.
The site is free to join, and they rely on corporate sponsors and donations from members for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the forum. Many of the sponsors are local businesses who have a separate section where they can post items for sale, specials, sales, store hours, and other useful information. Likewise, there is a classifieds section for members to list items for sale (or items wanted), although one must be a site donor in order to list items in this section.
A good firearms forum is a wealth of information, where one can learn a great deal about any number of issues. Tennessee Gun Owners forum is just such a place. Even if you are not fortunate enough to live in our great State, I would still invite you to stop by and check out the site. You will find a great bunch of men and women who know a thing or two about guns, and they are always willing to help someone who may be experiencing technical difficulties, or maybe just looking for some information to help them make an informed decision about a future purchase. But most importantly, they are all there to have a good time with people who share their love of firearms. And they would love to have you join them, as well.
Ha! I've been on better forums... actually got removed from TGO because I reported a mod for being an asshat, instead of just giving me an answer... and the admin was just a big of an asshat (I believe TGO Dave was the D bag...) There are some good people on the forum but if you make waves and report bad behavior you get punished. >>>>THIS GUY<<<< will be boycotting tgo as well as spreading the word of what their mods and admins act like. When their mods/admin start acting professional I'll take TGO seriously... By far the worse and least professional bunch of people... Don't worry TGO Dave if you're reading this... I WON'T be back and WON'T be supporting TGO in any way shape or form...